Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Few Simple Examples

I thought it would be cool to try posting this week's blog from my mobile phone. Usability and mobility are cornerstone principles of Web let's put them to the test.

But enough preamble, on with the blog! I find it interesting to see the different ways corporations are starting to adopt Web 2.0. The adoption model I've seen is similar to how IM and Blackberry got started. Penetration is happening at the departmental or work group level - below the radar and often out of sight of IT and senior management. This is representative of the viral nature of Web 2.0. With that we are really starting see adoption transcend generations and blur the lines between our social lives and our corporate lives.

An example I've been seeing involves LinkedIn - think of it as facebook for grownups ;o) It is designed to allow professionals to network with other professionals and collegues. Users can even proactively (or by request) provide written recommendations for coworkers or subordinates.

After 7 years with the same company I switched jobs about 8 months ago. I joined LinkedIn as a way to stay in touch with former colleagues. That's just one of the ways people use this Web 2.0 application. I've found that an increasing number of HR professionals use it for recruiting talent. Users can see the job titles of who's looked at their profiles.

I've also started including a link in my email signature to various Web 2.0 applications I use for professional purposes, including this blog,, zoominfo and linkedIn. I have a number of partners, colleagues and customers join my linkedin network because of it. is a great application for researching contacts for customers and partners. is another cool tool for researching topics and industry articles and information.

These are just a few simple examples of how Web 2.0 is making its way into the corporate world. I encourage you to add your thoughts and comments on this topic (afterall that's what a blog format is all about). Let us know how you are using applications like linkedin,, zoominfo and others.

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