Friday, December 28, 2007

Web 2.0 = Collaboration

Though it's been argued what the true definition of Web 2.0 is or how to best describe it we know one thing --> Web 2.0 = Collaboration.

If you look at how the Internet has changed since "Web 1.0" (prior to the dot-bomb bust of 2001) there are a number of characteristics that define those that survived. However, there is one common characteristic that stands out as the tie that binds Web 2.0-centric applications - Collaboration. Even the ancient Web 2.0 battle cry of O'Reilly and MediaLive International reeks of collaborative overtones - "Harnessing the collective intelligence of the internet".

That's why Web 2.0 is so crucial to the corporate world - because of the ability to create collaborative environments across geographic, time, economic and corporate boundaries. Think of the power of "harnessing the collective intelligence of the enterprise" and how collaboration can empower all your employees to drive innovation!

Friday, December 7, 2007

"Consumer Technology Drives Future Enterprise IT"

Are You Ready?

I've been searching for new ways to bring value to my customers so I thought a blog would be a great place to start. Besides, Web2.0 is gaining more and more traction within the enterprise so why not embrace it...right? The title of this inaugural blog, "Consumer Technology Drives Future Enterprise IT", was taken from Gartner and represents the opportunities and challenges of the coming year.

There's always so much going on in the run of a business day and so much focus on current projects that there isn't always time to talk about what's emerging - what you should be preparing for this coming year. The fact is - like never before, new trends and technologies are changing the IT landscape and more importantly, IT's role within the organization.

I want to use this as a forum to explore some of the trends and technologies that will be impacting IT in 2008. It's no coincidence that I chose a blog as the tool of choice to kick-start this conversation. As I mentioned, one of the biggest trends in business going into the latter part of this decade is Web2.0. It's had an enormous impact outside the firewall and is finding its way into the most cases without IT involvement.

I was a little surprised that many of the accounts I have talked to about Web2.0 had very little knowledge or understanding of what it's about. I think most of us know about blogs and wiki's as common examples of Web2.0 - but it is so much more than that. Over the next several weeks, this blog will try to:
  • Clarify what Web2.0 is
  • Why it's important for IT to understand it
  • What's driving Web2.0 into the enterprise
  • How you can get ahead of the curve
  • The threats and challenges Web2.0 represents to business
  • The opportunity it represents (beyond blogs and wiki's)
There is a great document that was written by Tim O'Rielly of O'Rielly Media that discusses Web2.0 at a high level (O'Reilly -- What Is Web 2.0). I'd suggest that as a good place to start to get your head around this topic. Wikipedia also does a good job of trying to define it. I will also provide opportunities to learn about Web2.0 via a webinar sometime in the new year.

So...thanks for taking the time to participate. This should be a fun ride.